this is a template contract for

Life & Soul-Led Coaches
(1-to-1 Coaching)

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Please check your inbox for an email containing a link to access your GoogleDoc template. You can also access your template directly by clicking the link below.

When you open the template, you have 'Viewer' access to the GoogleDoc. This means that you cannot amend the template directly - you need to make a copy first. When you make the copy, you'll be given the option to select 'Copy comments and suggestions' – you will need to select this option to ensure you have access to the drafting notes. We've included a screenshot here to guide you.

This template is intended for...

...Life & Soul-Led Coaches for use in their 1-to-1 and High Ticket Programmes.

It is not intended for Group Coaching Programmes - we have a separate template for that in the Legal Template Shop.
It contains essential terms to protect both you and your clients including (amongst other things):
  • Guidance on how to describe your Programme so it is clear what is and is not being provided
  • Expectations of your coaching clients
  • Ability to charge your fees in full, or in instalments
  • Ability to accelerate the remaining instalments if your client defaults on a payment
  • Clause entitling you to claim interest or terminate the contract if your client does not pay
  • Clause requiring your client to give you adequate notice if they wish to cancel or postpone a live session
  • Intellectual property clause, protecting your IP rights in your coaching methodology and materials
  • GDPR Data Protection clause
  • Clauses protecting yours and your client’s confidential information
  • Clause limiting your liability to your client, to the extent permitted by law
  • Clauses protecting you from claims if an event occurs which is outside your control
  • Provisions making clear that you make no guarantees as to the results of any coaching
  • A testimonial disclaimer
  • Clause permitting you to use sub-contractors to provide the services, as your business grows and scales
  • 14 day cooling-off period within which your coaching client may cancel, as required by the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation & Additional Charges) Regulations
  • Clauses limiting your client’s right to cancel the contract outside the cooling-off period and seek a refund from you, to the extent permitted by law
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The template includes comprehensive drafting notes to help you adapt the template for your business

terms of purchase
1. You are purchasing a template contract.  Your purchase does not create a solicitor-client relationship and the template does not constitute legal advice.
2. When you purchase this template, you will be sent a link to download a copy.  By purchasing the template, you expressly agree to receive the download immediately, and you will lose your right to cancel and your right to a refund.
3. For further information, please see our Digital Downloads Terms & Conditions.
4. If you are unsure whether this template is suitable for your business, please contact us before purchasing at
5. This template has been drafted in accordance with English law. It may not be suitable for use in other jurisdictions, and you should check with a locally-qualified lawyer in your jurisdiction